I started out writing a day by day itinerary of my travels around south east asia (as a request by mum) but heck is it tiring! Instead i think a few pics and highlights would suffice...
I love how much I learnt being immersed in a completely different culture to my own, but was slightly sad I didn't get the culture shock i was expecting. It seems as though the routes I travelled are definitely trod by many other backpackers and the touristy scene does wreck a lot of the country's natural beauty.
Thank goodness for my travel buddy babe Debbie, who shared the wonderful experience with me!
I'm a backpacker! Despite the handbag...
We started out at Krabi Beach (southern thailand) and made our way up the country. Railay beach was our first destination, what an awesome place to start!
Enjoying Valentines day at Phi Phi
We ventured to Koh Phangan for a boogie on the beach and then tiki-toured to Koh Tao where i successfully got my open water diving certificate!
After briefly visiting Bangkok we moved up to Kanchanaburi and then to Chaing Mai (a def fav!). In Chaing Mai we learnt how to cook Thai food, trekked up mountains and stayed with hill tribes, frolicked around with tigers, elephants and monkeys, buying up a storm in the markets and generally soaking up the lively culture and atmosphere.
Our month visa was almost up... time to move on to LAOS!! xxx
Our month visa was almost up... time to move on to LAOS!! xxx
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