Sunday, October 4, 2009

Weekend Tell All...

Escaping my torterous full time job (temporary - hopefully!) during the weekend is bliss and I especially enjoyed the antics of this weekend just been.

Friday night - Oktoberfest!
I live with two other flatmates in our apartment, aussies Danial and Simon. Danial has just popped over to Germany for a couple of weeks to celebrate the infamous Oktoberfest in Munich! Lucky thing. In an attempt to join in on the drinking aciton a few of us went down to the European Beir Cafe for their version of Oktoberfest at 8pm...
Two steins and several wines later the night out at the German fulled festival came to an end due to the bouncers thinking my great dancing was me trying to keep myself upright (how could they misjudge the situation so wrong?!). It was 10.30pm. I give my thanks to Debbie who retrived us after she finished work and got us home safely! And no thanks to Simon and the boys who encouraged the rowdiness. Haha, seriously great night though!

Saturday - Could not move...
Willed myself to get off the couch, no such luck. Haha, darn hangovers.

Sunday - World Animal Day!
Finally a chance to get out of the concrete jungle and into the fresh aired country. My friend, Ward, took me to a neat little place jsut outside of Kilmore, VIC called Edgars Mission.
It is the sweetest little animal sanctuary caring for over 150 rescued animals that have been neglected or abused. The founder, Pam, single handedly runs and cares for the sanctuary without any full time help from paid workers or even volunteers. I couldn't believe how she manages to do this, the place is huge! And she still has a smile on her face.
I'll post pics of the animals i got to meet soon :)
Hit up

On the way home after my refreshing afternoon I was allowed to drive my friends car...
I know, hes crazy! I havn't driven since i left NZ six months ago and have never driven in a city situation! (Hamilton, NZ doesn't count). It was mega cool. Nearly missed a car trying to merge lanes on the freeway... but was a great adrenalin rush. Think hook turns will be my next mission in the car... those trams better get outta my way!

1 comment:

  1. hehe love it! awww i wana come back to melbz just to visit the park sounds veerrryyy cute!!!!! i like how your still hanging with ward, i think hes good for you xxx
