after leaving new york, i enjoyed a solo 3 day stop over in california before heading home to new zed. i spent my first day wandering around the star paved streets of hollywood. i must say i was not terribly impressed... i should have known it's tacky atmosphere was not my scene. still, i was fascinated by feet walking over the pavements in tinsel town

venice beach was my second days venture and the culture here was lively and i loved it. i strolled down the beachside boulevard, breathing in the sounds and sights...

one of the few pics i have of myself in ca
i reached santa monica just on sunset - in time to catch the sun silhouette the famous pier roller coaster and route 66 sign. brilliant day.

i also checked out sunset strip one night, mingling in the infamous bars and clubs like the roxy, house of blues and viper room. knowing all the sweet rock bands that have played and been discovered at these places before was mind blowing.
although, i have to say, in california, i belong at the beach...

i will revisit for sure