we ventured into NY city a few times via an hour train ride. these excursions were very fun, but very tiring... getting around the city is exhausting! of course i made monique do the tourist thing, even though shes not into the tacky tourist scene, but when in rome... or new york you just kind of have to (and i think she enjoyed it more than she led on hehe). so here you go - a few shots of the city's most iconic places in the least tackiest way possible (well, bar maybe the statue of liberty shot haha!)
central park was just the dreamy winter wonderland i had thought it was going to be, pity we weren't rugged up enough to brave the cold and explore it more. the winter wind here is brutal.
i can't wait to go back as there was just so much to see and do, i only scraped the surface. i think visiting in the summer would be neat. i can now understand why people rave about this city - it definitely is different from all the rest.